Now I can't speak for the whole world when I say this #WholeNewWorld is one I can't wait to be a part of. The Little Mermaid means everything to me simply due to the fact that it is truly a Disney classic, and doesn't get the recognition it deserves. But in 2023 the critics will be out without a doubt to give feedback as soon as the credits start rolling. And #BriisBarn will be live, local, and lit April 1st with all the tea honey. As we know from the trailer airing the night of the super bowl the release date is May 26th. And this star studded cast is truly here to deliver with #HalleBailey beautiful voice she has been using since her and her sister were posting videos on YouTube. Not to mention #MelissaMccarthy that has had me on the floor since Bridesmaids. Personally not to familiar with the work of Sebastian and Prince Eric but they are sure to open new doors with this one.
