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Surviving after Surviving


Of course the whole world has been talking about the Coronavirus and how to take precautions from catching and spreading the virus for health reasons what about our wealth? Hopefully (fingers crossed) this virus will be contained soon but what about the millions of people who went weeks or even months with partial or no income. How will the economy stay strong and how will the people survive after surviving. Its said that 74% of Americans live check by check and can not withstand an unexpected $400 bill. So i think to myself how can these same 74% survive on little to no income at all for weeks and possible months. Time is of essence and everyday that goes by has major impact on the average american's life. So with that being said Congress has approved and moving forward with a plan that hopefully will lighten the load for citizens.Ive provided a link with information on this plan so make sure to click there and feel free to like and comment on this issue i would like to hear from the people if they feel this will work and if not what could be done that will. Stay safe America and GOD bless you all. Link here for Stimulus package information

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